Release Date: August 27th,2024

Here’s the list of new features and improvements we’ve added to MyPOS Connect.

Added feature to support “Tag Along” products. Tag Along products are products that are sold automatically when another product is sold. For example, if a store sells sunglasses and also inventories the sunglass cases, then the sunglass case product can be added as a Tag Along product on the sunglasses. To set up:

MyPOS Connect Back Office –> Data Setup –> Products –> (edit a product) –> Stockand Packing –> Tag Along (add the tag along product)

Added logic to the manual reprint of Z report to check if the session has been closed

Added logic to warn user and prevent numeric values greater than 999,999,999

Added feature “Offline mode” to determine when MyPOS Connect has gone offline and improve speed of startup and till functioning when IP address has changed or when no internet is available. If till is in Offline mode, the user will see “Offline Mode” in the till screen. Once in Offline mode, all functions that require a cloud connection will stop functioning, instead of trying and timing out. The normal background sync of every 10 mins plus at the end of a sale will still be attempted and when successful, will automatically take the till out of offline mode. No user action is required.

Added feature to force offline mode. The use case for this feature would be situations where till is expected to be offline for a period of time and will prevent MyPOS Connect from attempting to connect to the cloud. To enable:

MyPOS Connect Back Office –> System Setup –> Device Options –> Till Button Settings –> Add an “OFFLINEMODE” button to one of the “Buttons – Sale Row X”.

Added option to check for blocked sales product on Subtotal instead of when the product is added to the till. Enabling this option will allow adding blocked sales products to Work Orders and Quotes. To modify this setting:

MyPOS Connect Back Office –> System Setup –> Company Options -> Operational Settings –> Prevent “Block Sales” products from being sold on Subtotal only

Added option to hide clock on login screen. To modify this setting:

MyPOS Connect Back Office –> System Setup –> Device Options -> Screen Setup –> Show clock on login screen

Added option to disallow using the Enter key to clear message boxes in the till. If this option is set to “Yes”, the Enter key or the Space Bar can be used to clear the message box. If this option is set to “No”, only the Space Bar can be used to clear the message box. In scanning environments, “No” is the recommended setting. To modify this setting:

MyPOS Connect Back Office –> System Setup –> Device Options -> Operational Settings –> Allow Enter keystroke on pop-up message boxes in the til

Added the ability to sort to the columns in the A/R “Select Receipts to Pay” screen

Fixed issue caused when importing to a Stock Count, PO or Transfer, from text file that contained an invalid quantity

Fixed issue where supplier exchange rate not being applied to POs when picked up immediately after another PO with no exchange rate

Improved “Receipts” lookup in the till by adding the option to search “This Till”, “This Store” and “All Stores” (where applicable)

Improved advanced cash up to display a simple number pad instead of full keyboard when entering closing amounts

Improved handling of voucher refunds to disallow refunds greater than the balance of the voucher

Provide change when there is a cash overpayment on a Work Orders deposit

Resolved issue where ‘-character was being replaced with a `-character when manually setting up a classification

Updated Shopify API version to latest version (2024-07)

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